
NASA Buy-Quiet Program Advocacy and Update PowerPoint® slideshow presentation

NASA Buy-Quiet Program Advocacy and Update PowerPoint® slideshow presentation (12.3 MB) This slideshow presentation was developed to help educate NASA stakeholders about the benefits of a low-noise workplace and provide an update on NASA’s Buy-Quiet and Quiet-by-Design requirements and resources. The presentation contains specific guidance for meeting NASA’s Buy-Quiet requirements. Non-NASA organizations may also find

NASA Buy-Quiet Program Advocacy and Update PowerPoint® slideshow presentation Read More »

NASA Buy-Quiet Program Advocacy PowerPoint® slideshow presentation

NASA Buy-Quiet Program Advocacy PowerPoint® slideshow presentation (1.83 MB) This slideshow presentation was developed to help educate NASA stakeholders about the benefits of a low-noise workplace and about NASA’s Buy-Quiet and Quiet-by-Design requirements. The presentation contains specific guidance for meeting NASA’s Buy-Quiet requirements. Non-NASA organizations may also find these slides useful. You can customize the

NASA Buy-Quiet Program Advocacy PowerPoint® slideshow presentation Read More »

Development and implementation of policy-compliant site-specific Buy-Quiet programs at NASA (Conference Paper)

Development and implementation of policy-compliant site-specific Buy-Quiet programs at NASA (188 KB) This paper, which was presented at Internoise 2009, provides an overview of NASA’s requirements for Buy-Quiet and Quiet-by-Design programs as part of the agency’s hearing conservation policy and describes the development of the Roadmap as a tool for helping NASA field centers meet

Development and implementation of policy-compliant site-specific Buy-Quiet programs at NASA (Conference Paper) Read More »

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