Where Can I Find State-of-the-art Quiet Equipment?
You can gather this information by polling manufacturers and suppliers. In some cases, data may be available from other resources such as online databases.
- Is there a quiet version of the machinery? For example, is there a version available for sale into the European market?
- If the equipment uses attachments, are they available in low-noise versions?
- What is the price differential for the quieter version? Use cost-benefit analysis tools to calculate and justify the expense of the quieter option.
- To what test standards has the equipment been tested? Refer to this list of typical test standards for specific equipment types.
- What is the sound power level of the product?
- What is the sound pressure level at the operator location? At 1 m?
- What are the effects of various operating conditions (load, upset)?
Note: An upset condition is any situation where the machinery is outside its normal operational state (for example, a boiler that’s venting excess steam because the pressure got too high). If the equipment makes a different noise under particular kinds of operating conditions that are common, it may be wise to include these in the noise emission specification.
- Where can I access the acoustical data? A copy of the test report? Compare data and test conditions between suppliers to ensure that you’re comparing “apples to apples.”
- Are there options for outboard noise control (such as mufflers, enclosures, vibration isolation)?
- What provisions are given for maintaining the noise control function of the equipment? If the noise-controlling elements can wear out or be damaged, the “quiet” function of the equipment will deteriorate over time. It’s important to be able to provide successful maintenance where such elements exist. The owners manual should include:
- Parts list
- Ordering information
- How to determine if parts need replacing
- Replacement instructions