ANIMATED Auditory Demonstrations II: Challenges to Speech Communication and Music Listening is a collection of animated auditory demonstrations that illustrate the impact of acoustical conditions and hearing loss on everyday listening situations, including the enjoyment of various styles of music. This collection consists of visually animated versions of selected audio tracks from NASA’s Auditory Demonstrations II: Challenges in Speech Communication and Music Listening collection.
Each animation in this collection provides a visual roadmap that allows the listener to easily identify audible but subtle changes in the audio signal, along with the numerical metrics that quantify the changing technical parameters. Designed to support training and advocacy, the animations are presented in an entertaining visual context that helps to reinforce the message of each demonstration. The animations have been incorporated into Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation files and can be run on either Windows or Macintosh systems within PowerPoint® or independently, using Windows Media® Player or QuickTime® .
Flash animations for Auditory Demonstrations II: Challenges to Speech Communication and Music Listening were created by Nicholas Hawes with support from the NASA Glenn Research Center Imaging Technology Center .
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