Auditory Demonstrations II: Challenges to Speech Communication and Music Listening is a collection of auditory demonstrations that illustrate the impact of acoustical conditions and hearing loss on everyday listening situations. These auditory demonstrations illustrate both the need for and the benefits of noise control efforts in a wide range of situations where good speech intelligibility is desirable. The demonstrations are intended as tools with which engineers, architects, policymakers, and health care professionals may accurately and tangibly assess the true cost of communication interference due to noise and hearing loss.
In addition to the communication demonstrations, the collection includes recordings of several styles of music that have been modified to demonstrate auditory changes due to progressive noise-related hearing loss. These simulated hearing loss demonstrations are intended primarily for use in hearing conservation education programs.
Auditory Demonstrations II: Challenges to Speech Communication and Music Listening was produced by the NASA Glenn Research Center Acoustical Testing Laboratory, with technical sound design and production contracted to Nelson Acoustics and studio engineering by Tequila Mockingbird Studios .
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