If you are unable to find the information you need in the online noise databases, consult the external specifications resources page.
- E-A-R Noise Database
—Noise Emission data for a wide variety of equipment types
- European Commission Equipment Noise Database
—Certificated noise emission data for equipment covered by the European Machinery Directive
- NIOSH Power Tools Database
—A compilation of noise emission data for handheld power tools, under both loaded and unloaded conditions
- Fastener Driving Tools
—A compilation of noise emission for fastener driving tools from the British Health and Safety Executive
- Lawnmowers
—A compilation of lawnmower noise data from Noise Pollution Clearinghouse (1995)
- Leafblowers
—A detailed report on noise measurement methods and results from the Finnish Ministry of the Environment
- Update of Noise Database for Prediction of Noise on Construction and Open Sites
—A compilation of noise emission data for outdoor construction equipment, from DEFRA UK