Get Help before You Get in over Your Head
It’s important to avoid situations that require more expertise than you have. Before you find yourself overwhelmed by a complex situation, consider retaining a consultant. For example:
- Multiple noise sources are present in the area.
- You are considering the purchase of Specialized, “one-of-a-kind” equipment.
- You cannot locate noise data.
- You don’t understand or trust the data provided.
- You need an outside expert to sway entrenched stakeholders.
The National Council of Acoustical Consultants is an excellent resource for finding a qualified consultant for your project.
Specialization Areas
Acoustical consulting covers a very broad range of specializations. The following disciplines within acoustical consulting are likely to be relevant for noise levels above 80 dBA.
- Industrial noise control
- Product noise control
Credentials to Look For
- INCE Bd. Cert.—Board Certified by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering, the most meaningful credential for noise control engineers. Search the INCE Member database to find an INCE board certified noise control professional
or contact the INCE Business Office
- P.E (Acoustics) from the State of Oregon—Only Oregon provides a Principles and Practices Exam and designates Acoustics as a separate branch of engineering. Other states may require noise control engineers to be registered or licensed but do not provide a P&P exam. To find an Oregon acoustical engineer, complete the Find a Licensee form on the Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying
Web site and choose Acoustical in the Branch drop down list.
- NCAC Membership—The National Council of Acoustical Consultants requires a high level of professional experience and ability from its members. Find an NCAC member.
When to Consider a Product Representative
Product representatives tend to focus on specific products, vendors, or solutions. Hiring a product representative can be appropriate if:
- You already know what type of noise control approach and/or product is best.
- You already know that the vendor(s) can solve the problem and can justify sole source procurement.