About the BuyQuietRoadmap

The BuyQuietRoadmap is a Web-based tool that provides step-by-step guidance through the procurement process for equipment that is relevant in the context of a hearing conservation program (e.g., ~80 dBA and above).

The BuyQuietRoadmap was developed for use by NASA field centers and facilities. It is intended to be generic and flexible enough to apply to a broad range of industries and equipment classes, but it must be customized to meet the site-specific needs of each audience. Non-NASA organizations are invited to adapt the Roadmap to their operations but are cautioned that no technical support is provided for the BuyQuietRoadmap or for any auxiliary resources associated with it. Follow this tutorial to learn how the BuyQuietRoadmap may be used to navigate the procurement process.

NASA’s Buy-Quiet Program and BuyQuietRoadmap have been the subject of a number of conference papers, presentations and articles, which are available as downloads from the Buy Quiet Purchasing page.

Note: This program is focused solely on hearing loss prevention and does not address other important noise exposure issues such as speech intelligibility and work environment comfort that are often associated with moderate- or lower-level noise sources. A comprehensive approach to noise exposure management will consider these lower and moderate level noise issues as well as hearing loss prevention when developing requirements for any siting, procurement, and design projects.

Technical content for the BuyQuietRoadmap was developed for NASA by David Nelson of Nelson Acoustics . Amy Gelfand of Gelfand Design provided content editing and Web site design.

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