Welcome to the BuyQuietRoadmap.
The BuyQuietRoadmap is a collection of applications and products that support the practice of hearing conservation, including Buy-Quiet programs that promote the identification and evaluation of low-noise-emission equipment. These resources were developed by a NASA team and are available for use by hearing conservationists, acoustical engineers, and educators worldwide.
Popular Downloads
Enhance your hearing conservation training classes with visually animated versions of selected audio tracks from NASA’s Auditory Demonstrations II: Challenges in Speech Communication and Music Listening collection.
Enhance your hearing conservation training classes with auditory demonstrations that illustrate the impact of acoustical conditions and hearing loss on everyday listening situations.
Enhance your hearing conservation training classes with auditory demonstrations that illustrate fundamental concepts in acoustics.
Teach techniques of manual audiometry and audiogram review in a classroom environment with MACSUG, a simulated audiometer graphic interface.
Playing JeopEARdy is the fun way to review occupational hearing conservation concepts in the classroom.
TWA Calculator is a computational and visual tool for teaching noise exposure dose concepts in an occupational hearing conservation context. TWA Calculator enables the user to easily create daily noise exposure scenarios from a series of component exposure events.